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  • Pulley Wheels With Bearings Production Process
    • 2019-12-29
    Pulley Wheels With Bearings Production Process

    ZZ BEARINGs have the complete assembly process to ensure that our products meet the quality requirements. Details steps are as follows: 1. Assembly 2. Windage Detection 3. Cleaning Products 4. Rotary Test 5. Greasing Gland 6. Noise Detection 7. Appearance Inspection 8. Antirust 9. Products Pac...

  • ZZ BEARING Tolerance Class
    • 2019-09-13
    ZZ BEARING Tolerance Class

    The accuracy of MKL deep groove ball bearing are divided into four grades of tolerances with national standard GB/T307.1 which compared with the ISO and AFBMA standard etc is in the following table.

  • Coronavirus prevention and controls of ZZ BEARING
    • 2020-02-12
    Coronavirus prevention and controls of ZZ BEARING

    Shanghai ZZ BEARING workers back to work ,under  the coronavirus spreads ,we do below actions to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus: 1. Strict disinfection in office buildings and other office sites. 2. Prepare masks for employees in advance. 3. Take worker's tempera...

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