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ZZ BEARINGS Produce Hybrid Ceramic Bearing

ZZ BEARINGS Produce Hybrid Ceramic Bearing

  • 2021-03-08

ZZ BEARINGS have Hybrid Ceramic Bearing with pink rubber seals under production ,for more information pls contact with us free at WhatsApp 0086 187 5090 4857 .

608 built in space bearing

What is a hybrid ceramic bearing?

Hybrid bearing structureare with Chrome steel rings, or stainless steel tings + ceramic balls + nylon retainer + rubber seal,and the surface can with black treatment.

Hybrid Ceramic Bearings have below features :

(1) High temperature resistance  

The thermal expansion coefficient of ceramic balls is small, and the bearing balls will not expand due to temperature in high temperature environments. This greatly increases the operating temperature of the entire bearing. The temperature of ordinary bearings is about 160 degrees, and the temperature of ceramic balls can reach more than 220 degrees.

(2) High speed   

Ceramic balls have oil-free and self-lubricating properties, and the friction coefficient of ceramic balls is small, so ceramic ball bearings have a very high speed. According to statistics, bearings using ceramic balls are more than 1.5 times the speed of ordinary bearings.

(3) Long lifespan 

Ordinary bearings are used in water and high temperature environments, the grease is easy to wash off or dry out, so the bearing will soon be damaged. Using ceramic balls as rolling elements, this avoids the occurrence of premature bearing damage caused by the drying of grease in ordinary bearings; according to our test and some customer feedback, the service life of the bearing after using ceramic balls is 2- 3 times.

(4) Insulation   

The rolling elements are made of ceramic balls, which can achieve insulation between the inner ring and the outer ring of the bearing. Because ceramic balls are insulators, using ceramic balls between the inner and outer rings of the bearing can achieve the effect of insulation. In this way, the bearing can be used in a conductive environment; this is also the biggest advantage of hybrid ceramic bearings.

(5) Oil-free and self-lubricating

Ceramic balls have oil-free and self-lubricating properties, that is to say, even if the grease dries out, the bearing can still operate, so ceramic ball bearings can be grease-free

ZZ BEARINGS are professional for producing 608 bearing 627 bearing ,we can produce all accoring to your requirements.

608 Hybrid Bearing

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